简介:In Season 4, it’s 1960 and change is in the air. Looking to hone her act, Midge finds a gig with total creative freedom. But her commitment to her cra
简介:In an attempt to reconcile the problems in their relationship, Myra (Carmen Anello) and James (Owen Lawless) venture to an isolated cabin in the mount
简介:痴迷脱口秀笑话扮演的鲁帕(Robert De Niro 饰)梦想自己也能站在舞台上享用观众的喝彩,借疯狂粉丝玛莎(Sandra Bernhard 饰)发明的时机,鲁帕得以和脱口秀明星杰瑞交谈,鲁帕趾高气扬的自我引见,虽然杰瑞敷衍塞责,但鲁帕仍视自己为杰瑞的好友为了能在心爱的丽塔面前高人一等,鲁帕不惜